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Link to Worship – GSLC Sunday Sept. 1

By Good Shepherd Lutheran Church - Admin | September 3, 2024

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ, While the “unholy trinity” (our sinful flesh, the world, and the devil) poses a threat to all people, the Gospel lesson for Sunday September 1st  focused on the primary source of our rebellious and severed relationship with God, our sinful nature. Jesus reminds us that out of the heart…

Link to Worship – Sunday August 25, 2024

By Good Shepherd Lutheran Church - Admin | August 28, 2024

Dear Sisters & Brothers in Christ, In our gospel lesson yesterday the Pharisees  approached Jesus and questioned Him as to why His disciples did not follow the traditions of washing their hands before eating. This was not question of hygiene, but came about because of their focus on rules and regulations rather than Jesus’ healing…

Link to Worship Sunday August 18

By Good Shepherd Lutheran Church - Admin | August 20, 2024

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ, This past Sunday we were reminded of Jesus’ desire to have an intimate relationship with us; in Holy Communion He invites us to eat His body and drink His blood, but Christ in us and abiding is not limited to the Sacrament. Here is the video link: Attached please…

Link to Worship Sunday August 11, 2024

By Good Shepherd Lutheran Church - Admin | August 12, 2024

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ, Yesterday we continued our meditation and reflection on the “Bread of Life” discourse that Jesus shared. Throughout this teaching section we hear Jesus sharing what the will of His Father is – that no one would be lost, that all might be saved. Sometimes we tend to rely on…

Link to Sunday August 4 Worship at GSLC

By Good Shepherd Lutheran Church - Admin | August 9, 2024

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ, My apologies for the delay in sending out the link for last Sunday’s worship services. In the “Bread of Life” discourse in John chapter 6, Jesus proclaims that He is the life-giving bread that came down from heaven to give us His own body and blood in the Sacrament…

Links to Worship – July 28,2024

By Good Shepherd Lutheran Church - Admin | July 30, 2024

Dear Members and Friends of Good Shepherd, This last week we were again led by Pastor Dan Gerken, who taught us that we are in Jesus’ hands. Thru the storms of life and uncertainty that His words “Take heart it is I. Do not be afraid.” Mark 6:50b is as true today as they were…

Links to Worship – July 21,2024

By Good Shepherd Lutheran Church - Admin | July 22, 2024

Dear Members and Friends of Good Shepherd, This week’s worship service centered around the feeding of the 5,000 and the miracle that Jesus performed that day. He exemplified how He cares for us as our Good Shepherd providing and sustaining us. Thank you to Pastor Gerken and the care for our “flock” this week. Below…

Link to Worship Sunday July 14

By Good Shepherd Lutheran Church - Admin | July 16, 2024

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ, John the Baptist’s life and even his gruesome death point to Jesus’ life and death for our sins. May God grant us His Spirit and power of the word that we too will be emboldened to share the Gospel with conviction and courage. Here is the link to the…

Link to Worship – Sunday July 7

By Good Shepherd Lutheran Church - Admin | July 9, 2024

Dear Friends and Families of Good Shepherd, This past Sunday we continued to follow the life and teaching ministry of Jesus. In His hometown area many rejected Him, yet Jesus kept on with His ministry of healing and giving hope. By God’s grace we too persist in sharing His love and grace despite the obstacles…

Link to Worship @ GSLC

By Good Shepherd Lutheran Church - Admin | July 1, 2024

Dear Sisters & Brothers in Christ, Jesus’ miracles demonstrate His power over nature, the devil, and even death itself; through the miracles of Jesus we too can be brought to see and believe that Jesus is our Savior. In today’s Gospel lesson, Jesus healed a woman with a bleeding disorder; even though the crowd surrounded…

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Come, get involved with the various activities at Good Shepherd!
Great Friends, Good Fellowship, Community Service,
Fantastic Food, and a Whole Lot of Fun!

Bible Studies

Childrens Sunday School Class:

Meets around 10:30AM after Sunday's 9:00AM Service in the Annex.

Lutheran Adult Bible Classes:

Meets around 10:30AM after Sunday's 9:00AM Service in the Church Basement.

Adult Information Class (AIC):

This is a wonderful opportunity to discover or re-discover what the Lutheran faith is all about. Contact the office (253) 473-4848 for exact dates.

** Very Informative and Highly Recommended! **

February 20, 2022, 7th Sunday After the Epiphany – Audio

Sixth Sunday after Epiphany February 13 – Audio

February 2022 Newsletter

GSLC - Feb 2022 NewsletterDownload

Fifth Sunday after Epiphany February 6 – Audio

Newsletter – December 2021

GSLC - newsletter2021-DECDownload
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