Links to Sunday August 27 Worship
Dear Sisters & Brothers in Christ, Jesus asks His disciples two questions; “Who do people say the Son of Man is?” And more importantly, “Who do YOU say that I am?” Being a follower of Jesus involves listening to Him and following Him, but it also involves listening to what the world says about Him.…
Links to Worship Sunday August 20
Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ, Other non-Jews received healings, and these miracle-events illustratively preached the Gospel each time. Certainly, Jesus will jump on this opportunity to heal a Canaanite woman’s daughter, right? Wrong…at least for the moment. Jesus will use this occasion to enlighten and correct His disciples of their wrongful Kingdom perspectives to…
Link to Worship 8/13/2023
Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ, Our gospel lesson focused on the miracle of Jesus walking on the water… this event comes right after the miracle of the feeding of the 5,000. Both miracles reveal Jesus’ true identity as the Son of God. Jesus come alongside the boat and the disciples are startled to see…
Links to Worship – August 6, 2023
Dear Sisters and Brothers In Christ, In our First Lesson, Isaiah 55:1-5, the prophet reaffirms God’s compassion and provision for His chosen people. In Psalm 136 we hear a song of thanksgiving and praise to God for His acts of creation and redemption, both in history and in the lives of His people… “His steadfast…
Links to Worship – July 30, 2023
Dear Sisters and Brothers In Christ, Our sermon text this week (Romans 8:28-39) poses some life-changing questions for us to consider; rather than ask “Why me Lord?” Paul urges us to walk by faith and see how God works through all things for good. Each event in our life is like one ingredient in a…
Link to Worship – July 23, 2023
Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ, Many people say they do not believe in God because of all the evil in the world. Their perplexity is echoed by the workers in the parable who ask the owner where the weeds came from and whether they should pull them out. Jesus is more concerned about preserving…
Links to Worship – July 16,2023
Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ, The agricultural cycle of seed-time to harvest is a thread tying together our lessons today. The Gospel parable of the Sower dwells on the gamble of the Sower where three-quarters of his seed will fail to bring a harvest. Like the Sower, God nevertheless freely broadcasts his word with…
Links to Worship Sunday July 9, 2023
Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ, Jesus gave an invitation to His followers, “Come unto me all you who labor, and are heavy laden and I will give you REST!” True rest and peace comes from Jesus’ work of salvation, His death and resurrection on the cross for you and for me! Here is the…
Links to Worship – Sunday July 2, 2023
Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ, As we reflect on the freedom we have in our country we also rejoice in the freedom Christ gives us from sin and death. Guest Preacher, Rev. Dr. Tom Wolbrecht, shared Jesus’ radical words He gave to His disciples…”to take up our cross and follow Him…to lose our life…
Links to Worship – June 25, 2023
Dear Brothers and Sister in Christ, This week we learned that the prophet Jeremiah and his people faced hardships, yet they modeled how our witness and testimony can be ones of boldness and confidence as we sing to and praise the Lord, for He “delivered the life of the needy from the hand of evildoers”…
Come, get involved with the various activities at Good Shepherd!
Great Friends, Good Fellowship, Community Service,
Fantastic Food, and a Whole Lot of Fun!
Bible Studies
Childrens Sunday School Class:
Meets around 10:30AM after Sunday's 9:00AM Service in the Annex.
Lutheran Adult Bible Classes:
Meets around 10:30AM after Sunday's 9:00AM Service in the Church Basement.
Adult Information Class (AIC):
This is a wonderful opportunity to discover or re-discover what the Lutheran faith is all about. Contact the office (253) 473-4848 for exact dates.